Univerzitetski profesor, bivši ambasador i diplomata,  rukovodilac i konsultant sa preko 20 godina iskustva u nastavi, konsaltingu, upravljanju različitim sistemima, u profitnom, neprofitnom i javnom sektoru, sa strateškom i fokusiranom pristupom prema planiranju i rješavanju problema, te uspostavljanju kreativnih strategija za optimizaciju internog poslovanja, i podsticanju zadovoljstva radnika.

  • Direktor MBA programa |Profesor, 05/2024 - trenutno, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, SR Njemačka
  • Predsjednik | CEO, 05/2007 – trenutno, European Marketing and Management Association, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
  • Gostujući profesor, 01/2024 – trenutno, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Lumpur, Malezija
  • Pomoćnik direktora, 04/2020 – 5/2024, Republički zavod za statistiku Republie Srpske, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
  • Ambasador Bosne i Hercegovine u Rumuniji, 10/2015 – 12/2018, Ambasada Bosne i Hrecegovine, Bukurest, Rumunija
  • Rektor | Prorektor | Dekan Fakulteta za ekonomiju i menadžment, 02/2014 – 09/2015, 10/2006 – 03/2012, Slobomir P Univerzitet, Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
  • Direktor (CEO), 03/2002 – 06/2015, Panevropski centar za profesionalni razvoj, Prnjavor, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
  • Prorektor | Dekan Fakulteta tehničkih nauka, 03/2012 – 02/2014, Univerzitet PIM Banja Luka, Banjaluka, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
  • Doktor ekonomskih nauka 2004 – 2006 Fakultet za poslovne studije, Univerzitet primenjenih nauka Megatrend, Beograd, Srbija Broj diplome: 0025 Datum izdavanja: 27.12.2006.
  • Magistar ekonomskih nauka 2001 – 2004 Fakultet za poslovne studije, Univerzitet primenjenih nauka Megatrend, Beograd, Srbija Broj diplome: M0011 Datum izdavanja: 01.11.2004.
  • Profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti 1992 – 1998 Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Prištini, Pristina, Srbija Broj diplome: 1269 Datum izdavanja: 15.10.1998.
  • Računovodstveno-finansijski stručni radnik 1987 – 1991 Srednja ekonomska škola, Hrvatska Kostajnica, Hrvatska
  • Srpski - Maternji
  • Engleski - C2
  • Njemački - B2.1
Tehničke vještine:
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage),
  • WordPress,
  • OrangeHRM,
  • LearnDash LMS,
  • Articulate360,
  • Todo,
  • zoom.
Uvodni govornik ili organizator: Naučne konferencije, Poslovni Forumi, Sastanci na najvišem nivou
  1. EUMMAS A2S Conference on Global Social and Technological Development and Sustainability, Dubai 2023, United Arab Emirates, 21/02/2023.
  2. 2022 Creativity and Innovation in Digital Economy, Ploesti, Romania, October 27/28, 2022.
  3. Scientific Seminar and a Round Table Discussion, EUMMAS Research Centers, online, 29/09/2022.
  4. VI-International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research, National Institute for Economic Research ”Costin C. Kirițescu” Bucharest, Romania, 26/08/2022.
  5. Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Development in Digital Global Societies, Ljubljana School of Business, Ljubljana, 26/05/2022.
  6. Participatory Democracy and Digital at Local Level: European Discourses and Practices, LAREQUOI Management Research Center University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, 27/01/2022
  7. GSOM Emerging Markets Conference, Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, 04/10/2021.
  8. Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Social Responsibility, Vilnius School of Business and Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce, Lithuania, 15/09/2021.
  9. Initiative 5.0 Business and Technology University Tbilisi, Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 02/07/2021.
  10. 6th International virtual Conference on “Managing Business in a COVID-19 Era: Opportunities and Challenges”, School of Business, Skyline University College, UAE, 23/3/2021.
  11. 15th International Conference on Business Excellence “Digital Economy and New Value Creation”, Romania, March 18/19, 2021.
  12. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Chamber of Commerce Prahova (Romania), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 22/03/2019.
  13. Business Forum, Foreign Investment Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chamber of Commerce Prahova (Romania), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23/03/2019.
  14. Bucharest Energy Charter Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 27/ 11/2018.
  15. "Global Interferences of Knowledge Society", Targoviste, Romania, 16/17. November, 2018
  16. International Business Forum, Ministry for Business Environment, Commerce and Entrepreneurship, Bucharest, Romania, 30/08/2018.
  17. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Chamber of Commerce Dambovita (Romania), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20/02/2018.
  18. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Prahova and Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Pitesti, Romania, 8/12/2017.
  19. Ministerial Conference on Energy Cooperation within China – Central and Eastern Europe “16+1”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Energy, Bucharest, Romania, 8/11/2017.
  20. International Conference on Applied Sciences – ICAS 2017, Hunedoara, Romania, May 10/12, 2017.
  21. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Hunedoara, Romania, 10/05/2017.
  22. Conference on Smart Cities, Romanian Association for Smart Cities and Mobility, Bucharest, Romania, 30/03/ 2017.
  23. International Conference: Innovative Ideas in Science IIS2016, Baia Mare, Romania, November 10-11, 2016.
  24. Forbes CEE Forum 2016, Forbes, Bucharest, Romania, 20/09/2016.
  • Lazăr, AI., Vasić, M. (2024). Economic Growth and Consumption of Material Resources. In: Chivu, L., Ioan-Franc, V., Georgescu, G., De Los Ríos Carmenado, I., Andrei, J.V. (eds) Europe in the New World Economy: Opportunities and Challenges. ESPERA 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-71329-3_40
  • Nistoroiu, B.-F., Vasić, M., Nicolae, I., Erokhin, V., & Condeainu, O. (2024). Exploring key stakeholders in the Romanian food chain: An analysis of European influences and local dynamics. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Studies, 1(1), 86–94. https://doi.org/10.35219/jards.2024.1.09
  • Gašić, D., Berber, N., Vasić, M., & Aleksić, M. (2024). Perceptions of millennials on the practice of flexible work arrangements in Serbian IT sector. XII Conference EKONBIZ 2024. „New Economic Reality: The Economic Consequences of Social and Demographic Transition“. University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Business Economics Bijeljina. (pp. 11-21). ISBN: 978-99955-45-44-4 http://www.ekonbiz.ues.rs.ba/documents/2023/ZBORNIK-RADOVA-EKONBIZ-2024.pdf
  • A. J. Vasile, L. Chivu, M. Vasić, M. Ionescu (2024), Investigating Some Possible Impacts of Energy Use on Agricultural Sector Development, International Scientific Conference ''Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development IV'', https://www.iep.bg.ac.rs/en/publications/papers-proceedings
  • Vasic, M., Ciurlău, C. F., Curteanu, A.-B., and Novak, A. (2023). “Artificial Intelligence-enabled Human Resource Management Processes and Practices for Employee Engagement, Performance, and Productivity,” Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management 11(1): 95–108. doi: 10.22381/pihrm11120236.
  • Vasic, M., Duica, M. C., Berber, N., Enukidze, N.; Vasic, S., & Weis, L. (2023). ''Migrant Workers and Workforce Integration: Challenges for Managers in European Companies'', Strategic Management Vol. 28 No. 2, https://doi.org/10.5937/StraMan2200027V (Web of Science).
  • Oprea, M., Vlădescu, M., Privitera, D., & Vasic, M. (2022). Overview of the migration phenomenon among women in Romania. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference ESPERA 2021, (pp. 501-523). https://doi.org/10.2478/9788366675889-085
  • Kontić, LJ., Zečević-Stanojević, O., Vasić, M (2022) ''Organic Production of Lavender in Serbia – Economic and Financial Analysis'', Economics of Agriculture, 69 (3), 911-924 https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj2203911K (Web of Science).
  • Panait, M., Ionescu, R., Apostu, S. A., Vasić, M. (2022) ''Innovation through Industry 4.0 – Driving Economic Growth and Building Skills for Better Jobs'', Economic Insights – Trends and Challenges, 11(2), https://doi.org/10.51865/EITC.2022.02.08
  • Toader E. V., Gavrilei, A., Vasić, M. (2022) ''The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Food Chain and Small Producers'', AEE Papers, 6, 49-56, https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=2633
  • Andrei, J. V., Rădulescu, I. D., Chivu, L., Erokhin, V., Nancu, D., Gao, T., & Vasic, M. (2022) ”A short descriptive analysis of the European evolutions of the inputs price indices of agricultural products between 2008 – 2017: patterns, trends and implications”. Strategic Management, Vol. 27 (2022), No. 3, 039-047 https://doi.org/10.5937/StraMan2200018A (Web of Science).
  • Constantin, M., Rădulescu, I., Vasić, M., Andrei,J. & Pistalu, M.(2021).Modern forms of value creation in the global agri-food chain – Perspectives from the Facebook ads market. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence,15(1) 811-823. https://doi.org/10.2478/picbe-2021-0075
  • Andrei, J. V., Chivu, L., Gheorghe, I. G., Grubor, A., Sedlarski, T., Sima, V., Subić, J., Vasic, M. (2021). Business Demography and Economic Growth: Similarities and Disparities in 10 European Union Countries, Journal of Business Economics and Management, https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2021.15067 (Web of Science)
  • Andrei, J. V., Chivu L., Gheorghe I. G., Grubor A., Sedlarski T., Sima V., Subić J., Vasic M. (2021). Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Business Demography and European Socio-Economic Model: Does the Paradigm Really Converge?, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(2), 64. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm14020064 (Web of Science)
  • Vasic, M. (2020). Challenges of Teleworking During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Anali Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Subotici, 56(44), 63-79. https://doi.org/10.5937/AnEkSub2044063V 
  • Mitu, E. I., Vasic, M. (2018). Comparative Management of Human Resources between USA and Japan, Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, 9(1), 93-100. doi: https://doi.org/10.2478/vjes-2018-0010
Objavljeni radovi u proteklih pet godina.
  • Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Lumpur, Malezija, od 17.01.2024 (izbor na period od dvije godine)
  • Business and Technology Universty, Tbilisi, Gruzija, 2023
  • Skyline University College, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2021
  • Ljubljana School of Business, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2021
  • Valahia University Targoviste, Targoviste, Rumunija, 2018
  • Institute of Customer Management, London, Engleska, 2018
  • City Unity College, Atina, Grčka, 2015