Uvodni govornik ili organizator: Naučne konferencije, Poslovni Forumi, Sastanci na najvišem nivou

  1. EUMMAS A2S Conference on Global Social and Technological Development and Sustainability, Dubai 2023, United Arab Emirates, 21/02/2023
  2. 2022 Creativity and Innovation in Digital Economy, Ploesti, Romania, October 27/28, 2022.
  3. Scientific Seminar and a Round Table Discussion, EUMMAS Research Centers, online, 29/09/2022.
  4. VI-International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research, National Institute for Economic Research ”Costin C. Kirițescu” Bucharest, Romania, 26/08/2022.
  5. Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Development in Digital Global Societies, Ljubljana School of Business, Ljubljana, 26/05/2022.
  6. Participatory Democracy and Digital at Local Level: European Discourses and Practices, LAREQUOI Management Research Center University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, 27/01/2022
  7. GSOM Emerging Markets Conference, Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, 04/10/2021.
  8. Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Social Responsibility, Vilnius School of Business and Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce, Lithuania, 15/09/2021.
  9. Initiative 5.0 Business and Technology University Tbilisi, Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 02/07/2021.
  10. 6th International virtual Conference on “Managing Business in a COVID-19 Era: Opportunities and Challenges”, School of Business, Skyline University College, UAE, 23/3/2021.
  11. 15th International Conference on Business Excellence “Digital Economy and New Value Creation”, Romania, March 18/19, 2021.
  12. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Chamber of Commerce Prahova (Romania), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 22/03/2019.
  13. Business Forum, Foreign Investment Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chamber of Commerce Prahova (Romania), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23/03/2019.
  14. Bucharest Energy Charter Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 27/ 11/2018.
  15. “Global Interferences of Knowledge Society”, Targoviste, Romania, 16/17. November, 2018
  16. International Business Forum, Ministry for Business Environment, Commerce and Entrepreneurship, Bucharest, Romania, 30/08/2018.
  17. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Chamber of Commerce Dambovita (Romania), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20/02/2018.
  18. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Prahova and Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Pitesti, Romania, 8/12/2017.
  19. Ministerial Conference on Energy Cooperation within China – Central and Eastern Europe “16+1”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Energy, Bucharest, Romania, 8/11/2017.
  20. International Conference on Applied Sciences – ICAS 2017, Hunedoara, Romania, May 10/12, 2017.
  21. Business Forum, Chamber of Commerce Hunedoara, Romania, 10/05/2017.
  22. Conference on Smart Cities, Romanian Association for Smart Cities and Mobility, Bucharest, Romania, 30/03/ 2017.
  23. International Conference: Innovative Ideas in Science IIS2016, Baia Mare, Romania, November 10-11, 2016.
  24. Forbes CEE Forum 2016, Forbes, Bucharest, Romania, 20/09/2016.