Recommended Reading

The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy by Mariana Mazzucato    ’’Modern economies reward activities that extract value rather than create it. This must change to ensure a capitalism that works for us all.’’    Who really creates wealth in our world? Who is creating it, who is extracting it, and who is destroying it? And how do we decide the value of what they do? …

Recommended Reading

Wealth of States: More Ways to Enhance Freedom, Opportunity and Growth A great book! The authors explain how even states with small populations can benefit with the right policies. Also, watch the video with one of the authors, Arthur B. Laffer best known for the Laffer curve – a theory showing a theoretical relationship between rates of taxation and the resulting levels of government revenue.

Recommended Reading

Termites of the State: Why Complexity Leads to Inequality, by Vito Tanzi (a former senior official at the International Monetary Fund)…. “a fascinating discussion of why government may sometimes aggravate the problems which they are set to solve”.  

Preporučena literatura za menadžersku edukaciju VI

Organizaciono ponašanje (17. izdanje), autora Stephen P. Robbins, profesora na San Diego State Univerzitetu i Timothy A. Judge profesora sa Notre Dame Univerziteta zasigurno je najbolje izdanje ove knjige do sada jer su autori uspjeli da na sveobuhvatan način daju presjek organizacionog ponašanja u preduzećima kako sa stanovišta pojedinca, tako i u pogledu grupa i same organizacije. Izuzetno pitak jezik kojim je knjiga pisana doprinosi njenom boljem i lakšem razumjevanju. …